How to Remove an Excel Spreadsheet Password in 6 Easy Steps 26

This post we show how to remove an Excel spreadsheet password in 6 easy to follow steps. It is an update to an earlier article where we discussed how you may be able to unprotect an Excel spreadsheet if you have forgotten the password used to protect it. Click here to read that article. Unfortunately, there is no way that we can view or recover what your lost password is. […]

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How to Unprotect an Excel spreadsheet if you have lost your password 59

I recently had the circumstance where a client sent me a copy of a spreadsheet that was password protected, however the client no longer had the password to unlock the content. They were wondering if there was anything we could do… Unfortunately, there is no quick and simple way for your to view or recover a lost password in Excel. So what do you do when you need to unprotect […]

How to Choose an Excel Specialist

Excel is a complex tool that has a lot of features and provides a lot of benefits for businesses. Some features are easy to learn, however, others can be very complex and difficult to master. There are many people that claim to be an expert using Excel, but quite often they fall short and may not have the necessary experience or skills you really need to undertake your project. So […]

How to Unprotect my Excel VBA Project without the password

It is not unusual for people other than the creators/developers of Excel spreadsheets to take ownership of these tools, especially in a business environment. These transitions of ownership usually go smooth. But there are definitely times that can cause some real headaches for the new owners. We receive emails similar to the following all the time: “Hi, I am working for [XYZ] company and one of our staff have recently […]

Online Purchase Tracker [spreadsheet template download]

Online Purchase Tracker   Ever bought something online or from overseas and then because of long delivery times you have forgotten that you actually bought the item in the first place. Only to realise a month or two later… “Hmmmm didn’t I order that thing from and shouldn’t it have arrived by now!!”. We know (at ExcelSuperSite), we are constantly struggling to remember all the items we order online, […]

Image - Online Purchase Tracker

Easily Convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds [in Excel]

How to easily convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds [in Excel]. Came across this Microsoft Excel formula the other day which easily allows you to convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds within seconds. It is very easy to use – simply copy and paste the formula into Excel and change the [Lat Cell] or [Long Cell] text within the formulas to point to the cells with the Decimal […]

Quote Spreadsheet Template [Pro version]

Quote Spreadsheet Template Pro version   This Quote spreadsheet template [Pro version] is a replica of the quote template we use at ExcelSuperSite. It is very simple and straight forward to use. Perfect for a start-up business or individual to use to send off quotes to clients and potential customers. Simply input your own details at the top and you’ll be creating quotes faster than you can say “ExcelSuperSite Quote Spreadsheet […]

Quote Spreadsheet Template

Quote Spreadsheet Template

Quote [spreadsheet template]

Quote Spreadsheet Template   This Quote spreadsheet template is an exact replica of the quote template we use at ExcelSuperSite. It is simple and straight forward to use. Our Quote spreadsheet template is ideal for start-up businesses or individuals. Why spend thousands of dollars on complex and difficult to use finance software, when you can undertake these tasks with Excel spreadsheet templates. Simply input your own details at the top and […]