Quick Tip – Undo / Redo

Do you often re-type over content in a cell in Excel then realise that you shouldn’t have just done that?

Excel’s Undo (Ctrl + Z) feature provides you with a quick way to reverse (i.e. undo) any changes you have made to a worksheet such as accidentally deleting data, applying incorrect formats, or moving formulas.

Similarly, if you have reversed back a change, but then realise that the change should actually have been applied in the first place, you can use Excel ‘s Redo feature (Ctrl+Y) to reinstate the change.

It’s important to remember, however, that when you use either Undo or Redo, they process your actions in the exact same order that they were applied.

What this means is that you can’t undo or redo the forth action, for example, without the first three items as well being processed as well.



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Continue the discussion and leave a comment below. Have you had “one of those days” where your head is just not with it and you are constantly redo’ing your spreadsheets? Do you re-type your work or are you working smart and using keyboard shortcuts to make you more productive?

Do you have a favourite productivity tip you would like to share? We would love to hear what it is and how you use it.


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