Navigate your worksheets with ease

Navigate your worksheets with ease

Learn to easily navigate your Excel worksheets with these straightforward keyboard shortcuts.

Move straight to the very top of your Excel worksheet by pressing Ctrl+Home.
Similarly, you can move to the very last cell (that contains or did contain data – far bottom right) within your Excel worksheet by pressing Ctrl+End.

 There will be times when you want to navigate to other areas other than the very top or very bottom of your spreadsheet.

 Pressing the Home key will take you to the first cell in the very left-hand column of your worksheet. In most cases, this will be column A. However, if you have “frozen panes” you will be taken to the first “unfrozen” column in your worksheet.

Pressing the End key on your keyboard toggles END mode on or off in Excel. With END mode on and pressing an arrow key, you will navigate to the next nonblank cell in that direction. For example. if you are at cell C10 and press the End key and then the Up arrow, you will navigate to the top of the data in that column (assuming there are no blank cells in Column C).

image-Navigate-Tip of the Day-Home-End
image-Navigate-Tip of the Day-CtrlHome-CtrlEnd

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